what happens to offred in the handmaids tale book

The novel's protagonist and starting time-person narrator, Handmaid of the Commander and Serena Joy, quondam married woman of Luke, and lover of Nick. We never learn her real name (Offred ways "Of Fred," her Commander), and we know little about her concrete appearance. She has brownish pilus, stands nigh five pes vii, and is 33 years former. Before Gilead, she had a girl with Luke at about age 25. Moira was her best friend from college, and she had a rocky relationship with her radical, outrageous female parent. Though Offred is rebellious, even violent, in her thoughts, and full of passionate memories, she seems stolid and devout to outsiders, doing her best to obey Gilead'due south laws. Readers may be quick to judge Offred for her passivity, but her peachy observations and honest emotions, fifty-fifty after the terror and brainwashing that she's encountered, demonstrate the limitations of Gilead's power over its subjects.

Offred Quotes in The Handmaid'south Tale

The The Handmaid's Tale quotes below are all either spoken by Offred or refer to Offred. For each quote, you tin can likewise see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:

Gender Roles Theme Icon


We yearned for the hereafter. How did nosotros learn it, that talent for insatiability?

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 3

Caption and Analysis:

Waste product not desire non. I am not beingness wasted. Why do I want?

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 7

Caption and Assay:

I try not to think too much. Like other things at present, thought must exist rationed.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: viii

Explanation and Assay:

I bask the ability; ability of a dog os, passive but there.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Folio Number: 22

Explanation and Assay:

There is more than than ane kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. At present you lot are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it.

Page Number: 24

Caption and Analysis:

I would like to believe this is a story I'm telling. I need to believe it. I must believe it. Those who can believe that such stories are only stories have a better chance.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 39

Explanation and Analysis:

We thought we had such problems. How were we to know we were happy?

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 51

Caption and Analysis:

Aught changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub y'all'd be boiled to death before you knew information technology.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 56

Explanation and Analysis:

I've crossed no boundaries, I've given no trust, taken no risk, all is safety. It'due south the choice that terrifies me. A way out, a salvation.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Folio Number: 61

Explanation and Analysis:

I avert looking downwards at my body, not so much because information technology's shameful or immodest merely because I don't want to come across it. I don't desire to await at something that determines me and then completely.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 63

Caption and Assay:

But maybe colorlessness is erotic, when women do it, for men.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 69

Caption and Analysis:

But this is wrong, nobody dies from lack of sex. Information technology'southward lack of beloved we die from.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 103

Caption and Assay:

You wanted a women's culture. Well, now in that location is ane. It isn't what you lot meant, merely information technology exists. Be thankful for small mercies.

Page Number: 127

Caption and Assay:

But remember that forgiveness too is a power. To beg for it is a power, and to withhold or bestow information technology is a power, mayhap the greatest. Perhaps none of this is about control…perchance information technology'south about who can do what to whom and exist forgiven for it.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 135

Explanation and Assay:

Y'all can think conspicuously only with your clothes on.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 143

Explanation and Analysis:

He doesn't mind this, I idea. He doesn't mind information technology at all. Perchance he even likes it. We are not each other's, anymore. Instead, I am his.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker), Luke

Folio Number: 182

Caption and Analysis:

Simply people volition do anything rather than admit that their lives have no meaning. No use, that is. No plot.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Folio Number: 215

Explanation and Analysis:

All I tin can hope for is a reconstruction: the style love feels is always just approximate.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 263

Explanation and Analysis:

And so I step up, into the darkness within; or else the calorie-free.

Related Characters: Offred (speaker)

Page Number: 295

Explanation and Analysis:

Offred Character Timeline in The Handmaid'south Tale

The timeline below shows where the character Offred appears in The Handmaid's Tale. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

The novel begins with the first-person narrator, Offred, describing the old gymnasium where she has been sleeping, and the sense of longing and... (total context)

Offred, like the other women, wishes that she could speak to the guards, longing for some... (total context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Though Offred and the other women aren't allowed to speak to each other, they manage to describe... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred describes a unlike sleeping room, with traditional, safe décor. Its distinguishing characteristic is a plastered-over hole... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

The bell rings to marker time, similar in a nunnery, and Offred puts on her red uniform, including shoes, gloves, and a long modest clothes. She wears... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Offred walks through the business firm, a stately, traditional home with many restrictions. She'southward not allowed to... (full context)

Offred recalls a conversation she heard betwixt Rita and Cora, when Rita said that she would... (full context)

Despite Rita's unfriendliness, Offred wishes that she could stay, talk and gossip like in the old times. Sometimes the... (total context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Rita gives Offred the tokens for food, with images of food on them. Rita tells Offred to tell... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

Offred walks through the garden on the manner to the shops. The red tulips have bloomed... (full context)

Offred recalls five weeks ago, when she arrived at the house. In her flashback, Serena Joy... (total context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Still in the flashback to five weeks ago, Offred remembers why Serena Joy looks familiar: from a religious television plan called the Growing Souls... (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Out of the flashback, Offred continues on her shopping trip. The path through the garden looks like a role in... (total context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Nick winks at Offred, which alarms her. She doesn't empathize the gesture, which is a risky move that she... (full context)

Offred waits at the corner, recalling Aunt Lydia's advice to exist patient and to imagine herself... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

...Guardians prove respect to the Handmaids by saluting them. 1 of the Guardians looks effectually Offred'southward wings at her face, a rebellious human activity that makes Offred imagine coming dorsum to him... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Still, after passing the barricade Offred walks away in a seductive style, enjoying her slight sense of power, and hoping that... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen keep on their shopping walk, passing beautifully maintained but childless neighborhoods in the... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Offred remembers the time before women were protected, both the constant precautions she had to take... (full context)

Offred and Ofglen pass the clothing store called Lilies of the Field, which has an image... (total context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen go to the meat shop, called All Mankind. Offred gets a chicken wrapped... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

A group of perchance Japanese tourists approaches on the street. Offred stares at the women's knee joint-length skirts and high heels, thinking that the shoes await similar... (total context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

The interpreter, with a winged eye pivot, asks if the tourists tin take pictures of Offred and Ofglen. Offred denies the request, remembering that Aunt Lydia told the Handmaids to be... (full context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

As Offred and Ofglen return from their shopping trip, Ofglen asks to go by the church. Offred... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen look at the small old church and graveyard. Ofglen seems to pray, and... (full context)

Offred and Ofglen get to look at the real source of their interest, the red-brick Wall.... (total context)

...the Commonwealth of Gilead, and some informant must have ratted them out to the authorities. Offred feels nix for the men, but she's glad they aren't Luke. (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred looks at the encarmine crimson smile on the purse again. The scarlet reminds her of... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Ofglen seems to be crying abreast Offred. Offred isn't sure if this is 18-carat emotion or just for show, and she doesn't... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred lies in bed, thinking about the difference between the active give-and-take prevarication and the passive... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

...an earring, one gilded fingernail, and smoking. Moira wants to go get a beer, simply Offred is working on a paper. Moira just wrote a newspaper on date rape, which Offred... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred switches to some other memory, an older one. She remembers being in a cold park with... (full context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred can't think what happens adjacent in her memories. She remembers a different time, when she... (full context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred wishes that she could believe that "this is a story I'grand telling," because then she... (full context)

The weather stays good, reminding Offred of the old days of dresses and water ice cream. Back at the Wall there are... (full context)

As they walk away, Ofglen comments on the cute May day. Offred remembers how Mayday used to be used in war for pilots to bespeak distress. Luke... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

At Offred's house, Nick polishes the Commander'south Whirlwind. The carmine tulips expect similar empty chalices, and Offred... (full context)

Offred sees Serena Joy sitting in the garden, and thinks that her proper name sounds stupid, similar... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred looks at Serena Joy's sunken profile as she passes. Her face reminds Offred of fallen... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred enters the kitchen, where the olfactory property of bread reminds her of the past and mothers,... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred goes upstairs, pausing to enjoy the light through the stained drinking glass. The convex mirror looks... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Every bit Offred waits in her room, she thinks virtually the household's previous Handmaid. When she first arrived,... (total context)

Offred returns to her main retention of examining her bedroom when she arrived at the house.... (full context)

Though Offred doesn't know the meaning of the phrase, suspecting it might exist Latin, she is happy... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred sometimes sings herself "Amazing Grace," a vocal now banned for the word "gratis." She likewise... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

It'due south hot and presently Offred will wear her cotton fiber summer dresses. She remembers Aunt Lydia disdaining the scantily-clad women of... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred retreats into another retention, of Moira. In the memory, Moira is planning an "underwhore" party... (full context)

Offred sits at the window seat, which has a cushion that says "faith" on it (though... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

Offred went to the doctor yesterday forenoon for her regular monthly checkup. She remembers the date... (full context)

The dr. gets shut to the canvass, offering to help Offred. At first she thinks he might assistance her notice Luke. Then he lifts the canvass,... (full context)

The doctor is sympathetic merely also enjoying the situation. Offred thinks information technology's too dangerous, frightened that it might exist a trap. She could get killed... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Back in the present day, Offred takes her bath. The bath has no mirror, razors, lock, or other items that could... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Offred feels strange to be naked, and wonderingly remembers wearing a swimsuit. She doesn't look at... (full context)

In a spontaneous flashback, Offred remembers her daughter as a baby. She remembers when a stranger tried to steal her... (total context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred imagines her girl as a ghost who died at age five. Offred laments the loss... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Cora tells Offred to bustle up. Offred tries to make herself very clean, since her bath opportunities are... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Cora brings Offred her dinner, and Offred is pleased that Cora bothers to knock at her door. Rita... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred thinks about how she has too much fourth dimension, and wishes she could accept a hobby... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred lies on a carpeting, practicing pelvic exercising similar Aunt Lydia brash. Offred remembers the naptime... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Offred remembers Moira'southward arrival at the Rachel and Leah Center, three weeks after her own. She... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Offred remembers the previous week, when Janine began crying during Testifying, and the others hated her... (full context)

Back in the present time, Offred thinks nearly her torso, her blood like blood-red waves, and her failure to become significant.... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred goes downstairs, passing the eye-like mirror. She kneels in the sitting room. The room is... (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Cora, Rita and Nick enter. Nick touches his foot to Offred's. Nick touches again and Offred moves again, unsure of his intentions. Serena Joy arrives in... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

...turns on the Tv set news, which shows the Angels attacking the Baptists in the Appalachians. Offred isn't sure if the TV shows reality or if everyone'due south an role player. The Tv set and so... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred retreats into a retention, when she still had her old proper name. She imagines getting into... (full context)

...a black suit. He unlocks the Bible from its box and sits down to read. Offred tries to imagine his indicate of view, scrutinized like this. She imagines his penis as... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred has a flashback to the Rachel and Leah Center, and remembers listening to a tape... (total context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred remembers meeting upwards again with Moira in the bathroom. Moira planned to escape by pretending... (full context)

Back in the present time, the Commander finishes reading. Offred imagines the bible pages feeling pulverisation-paper makeup. Serena Joy silently cries. As Offred prays "Nolite... (total context)

Offred lies on her back on Serena Joy'south canopy bed, clothed except for her underpants. The... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

Later on coming, the Commander leaves quickly and politely, which Offred finds somehow funny. Serena Joy makes Offred get out immediately, although she's supposed to prevarication downwardly... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred returns to her sleeping accommodation and finds her pat of butter one-half-melted in her shoe. She... (full context)

Offred lies in bed, imagining the plastered eye in her ceiling staring at her. She looks... (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred carefully walks downstairs and resolves to steal a daffodil. She hears Nick's footsteps. They're both... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred lies in bed, disturbed and aroused past her run into with Nick. She remembers spending time... (total context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred believes in several different fates for Luke. First she imagines Luke equally a corpse lying... (total context)

Offred dreams outset that she has seen and picked up her girl, so that her... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

A red van, a Birthmobile, comes to the house to pick up Offred. A Guardian drives her and several other Handmaids to Ofwarren's (Janine's) house for her birth.... (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Offred knows that the chance of a healthy, living, normal-bodied baby is just one in 4,... (full context)

Offred goes deeper into her flashback from the Rachel and Leah Eye. She remembers Aunt Lydia... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

...mean solar day, the Birthmobile arrives at Ofwarren's house, and we larn that Ofwarren is Janine, whom Offred disdains and thinks of as a "whiny bitch." Women must give birth without painkillers or... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Offred imagines how the Wives talk most the Handmaids. Ane might say that a Handmaid is... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

Offred sees the fancy nascence 24-hour interval buffet laid out for the Wives, including wine and oranges.... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred has another flashback to the Rachel and Leah Center. She remembers the weekly flick time,... (total context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

...1 film of the Unwomen that Aunt Lydia shows at the Rachel and Leah Heart, Offred sees her female parent at a feminist rally. Offred has a further flashback, to her female parent... (total context)

Offred remembers how her lively mother would come up over to dinner with her and Luke and... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred feels that her female parent put a burden on her to justify her mother's choices and... (total context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

...juice to each other and manage to whisper to each other as they do so. Offred asks the Handmaid next to her if she knows Moira, but she doesn't. Offred, too,... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Fertility Theme Icon

...walks effectually distractedly, and poops in a portable toilet in the middle of the room. Offred knows this is her second infant. Their juice had alcohol in it, which the Wives... (full context)

...infant, a daughter, seems to be healthy and normal, and the Handmaids smile equally one. Offred remembers her and Luke's joy when she gave birth to her daughter. (full context)

The Birthmobile brings the Handmaids back domicile. Offred feels fake milk in her breasts. Offred ponders her own lack of success. She thinks... (full context)

After the Nascency, Offred goes to her room, wearied. Today the plaster wreath around the plaster centre in her... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred flashbacks to Moira's great escape from the Rachel and Leah Center. (This escape was Moira'due south... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred imagines that Aunt Lydia told Janine to find out if Moira had an accomplice. Janine... (total context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Back in the nowadays time, Offred muses about how all of her memories are "reconstructions." If she ever manages to escape... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Offred backs up into an explanatory flashback. Nonetheless on the day that Janine gave birth, Offred... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

At nine pm, Offred goes to meet the Commander in his part, as Nick previously instructed her. Offred is... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

...Commander has posed himself impressively in forepart of the fireplace. When he says how-do-you-do to Offred, she feels she might cry. The Commander is friendly and sits across from her, showing... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred finds this hysterical, simply she keeps herself expressionless. She understands that this once innocent game... (full context)

At the finish, the Commander thank you Offred and asks her to kiss him. Offred considers following Moira'south lead and making a weapon... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred goes back to bed, trying to get some perspective. Nosotros larn for the outset time... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred remembers a documentary virtually World War 2 that she saw every bit a child. Her mother... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

All of a sudden, Offred starts laughing uncontrollably. She desperately tries to be repose, hiding herself in the closet, her... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred wakes suddenly when Cora drops the breakfast tray. She'd fallen asleep in the closet, which... (full context)

Fertility Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

...May, and now information technology'south summer, and the tulips are gone. Returning from a grocery trip, Offred sees Serena Joy cut off the tulips' seed pods, destroying the fruit to brand next... (total context)

Offred thinks more than about the garden, the irises and haemorrhage hearts that seem so feminine and... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred and the Commander continue to meet in secret, when Nick signals, either past polishing the... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

At get-go Offred found the Commander's requests funny and anticlimactic, compared to the sexual perversions she'd expected. At... (total context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

At first, Offred turned down the Faddy, but the Commander said that she was allowed to read information technology.... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred asked why the Commander had saved a magazine that should have been burned, and the... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

At their tertiary meeting, Offred requested lotion. The Commander laughed at the fact that she'd been using butter, and she... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred found the next Ceremony bad-mannered in a new way. Before, she and probably the Commander... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Offred remembers Aunt Lydia talking about future generations, when the population will rebound and there volition... (full context)

Offred feels that she'south get a traditional-type mistress to the Commander. She thinks that possibly Serena... (full context)

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen go shopping on a hot summer day. They pass the fish store, and... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen take become more than familiar, and Ofglen is slightly more outgoing. The Wall is... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

...paper, in an entirely automated process. In the window glass, Ofglen makes eye contact with Offred. Ofglen wonders in a whisper to Offred if God cares about the prayers, a unsafe... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen continue to talk. Ofglen seems knowledgeable about where and how it's safe to... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen appallingly scout the approach of a black van with the winged eye symbol... (full context)

Offred sits at the window of her room, still excited about her run into with Ofglen. She'southward... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred delves into a specific memory of talking to Moira in Offred'due south kitchen. Offred worked at... (full context)

Subsequently, Offred moved to a better apartment for ii years until Luke got his divorce. She worked... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred thinks that the lack of paper coin made it easier for the Gilead authorities to... (full context)

...on Wheels vans." Generally people accepted these measures, feeling safe. But one September day, when Offred and Luke had been married for years and their daughter was iii or iv, Offred... (full context)

Later that day, Offred's boss at the library, seeming unbalanced and distracted, fired her and all the other female... (total context)

Offred returned abode, restless and nervous. She managed to reach Moira, who had been working for... (full context)

Offred picked upward her daughter, and Luke came domicile. He tried to comfort Offred by proverb... (full context)

...There were also some bombings, just perchance the army set them off too. Luke encouraged Offred not to go protest, and she didn't, and became a stay-at-home housewife. Offred and others... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred goes into a further-dorsum retentivity, from when she was a teenager. She remembered her mother... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Love Theme Icon

Dorsum in the present time, Offred watches Nick go out into the garden, and admires his trunk. She sees his hat... (full context)

Offred remembers back to the day she lost her job, when Luke wanted to take sex... (full context)

Offred plays Scrabble in the Commander'southward function, at ease in her chair, perfecting the scene by... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Love Theme Icon

The Commander says it'due south only joke Latin, from his schoolboy days. He shows Offred an erstwhile textbook with different Latin jokes, and explains that the phrase ways "Don't allow... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred simply asks what became of "her," and the Commander knows what she'due south request. He says... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Love Theme Icon

Offred realizes that the Commander has been spending fourth dimension with her to enhance her spirits, so... (total context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

It's a very hot July, and Offred feels listless and stiff, similar an old woman. She wishes she could have a petty... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen go shopping. At that place are two dead bodies on the Wall, killed for belonging... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Ofglen says the Optics now eat at the hall. She tells Offred well-nigh the Resistance motility's password, "Mayday," which Ofglen had once tried saying to Offred. The... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Serena Joy sits knitting in the garden, and calls to Offred equally she walks by. Serena Joy asks Offred to concord her wool, explaining that Offred... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Serena Joy tells Offred that she's running out of fourth dimension for a baby, and then daringly suggests that peradventure... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred asks almost the Commander, and Serena Joy says information technology'll be a hole-and-corner. Offred says it's... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred gives Rita the groceries and asks for a friction match. Rita is annoyed, but won't disobey... (total context)

Offred flashes back to the previous dark. The Commander drinks in forepart of her and then... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

The Commander asks for Offred'south opinion on what the Gilead has done. Offred says she has no opinion, simply lets... (total context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred and Ofglen walk to the Women'southward Prayvaganza, and Offred is aware of how pleasantly identical... (full context)

...a new Wife, considering the baby girl turned out to exist "a shredder." Ofglen tells Offred that Janine had sex with a dr. for the baby, and now she thinks that... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred goes into a flashback from the Rachel and Leah Centre. Janine sat on the bed... (full context)

Back in the present day, the Commander in charge of the Prayvaganza enters, and Offred imagines him having sex with his Handmaid. The Commander gives a speech, and and so 20... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Love Theme Icon

Offred flashes back to an evening with the Commander, when he explained that Gilead actually made... (full context)

Religion and Theocracy Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Back at the Prayvaganza, Offred thinks about the women commonly celebrate weddings, and the men gloat military victories. But some... (full context)

...Angels elevator off their new brides' veils, to see their faces for the outset fourth dimension. Offred imagines advice to the young brides in dealing with the boring sex to come. (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Offred goes into a Rachel and Leah Centre flashback. She remembers Aunt Lydia explaining that the... (full context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

Later the Prayvaganza, Ofglen whispers to Offred that she knows about Offred's secret meetings with the Commander. Ofglen is curious if they're... (total context)

Back in her room, Offred goes dorsum into the flashback of her family unit'due south failed endeavour to cross the Canadian edge.... (full context)

Rebellion Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred breaks off in that location, and addresses her audition straight, maxim that she doesn't want to tell... (full context)

Love Theme Icon

Storytelling and Memory Theme Icon

Offred thinks about her conversation with the Commander about love, and then muses more mostly nearly falling... (full context)

Finally someone knocks at Offred'southward door, just it'due south Serena Joy with a photograph, not Cora with dinner. Offred examines the... (total context)

Gender Roles Theme Icon

Rebellion Theme Icon

At night, Offred goes to come across the Commander, who seems already drunk. He says he has a surprise... (full context)

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Nick drives Offred and the Commander. Offred can't tell what Nick thinks of all this, and imagines the... (total context)

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Offred and the Commander enter the courtyard of what used to exist a hotel. There are... (total context)

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The Commander and Offred sit down downwardly, and he asks her opinion on "our piffling club." Offred says she thought... (full context)

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The Commander tells Offred that the men are high-ranking officials and foreign businessmen, and the women are some quondam... (total context)

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As Offred waits for her drinkable, she sees Moira across the room, wearing a slutty and disheveled... (full context)

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An Aunt with a cattle prod tells Offred she has fifteen minutes. Offred enters a ladies' lounge, with has a mirror, different at... (full context)

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Moira tells Offred her story over 2 bathroom trips, and Offred tries to tell it to her audience... (full context)

...four years before her "snatch wears out," and she can accept alcohol and drugs. Here Offred interjects, shocked at Moira'due south listlessness. She's lost her essential spark and bravery, and Offred feels... (total context)

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Offred wishes she could tell her audience a story virtually Moira managing to escape or bravado... (full context)

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The Commander brings Offred up to a hotel room at Jezebel's. Offred uses the bathroom and flashes dorsum to... (total context)

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Offred spoke to the superintendent of her female parent'southward apartment, and so Luke drove her over to... (full context)

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Offred remembers how, during college, Moira said she thought Offred's mother was "neat" and even "cute."... (full context)

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Back at the hotel, Offred looks in the mirror at her messy, garish outfit. Tomorrow's the Ceremony, so she must... (full context)

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Offred lies in her hot chamber, dressed again in her red robe. The searchlights are off,... (total context)

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Nick'south room is unadorned and military machine-seeming. He smokes a cigarette and Offred wants to become naked to bask the smoke. He turns out the light and takes... (total context)

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Offred backs up, saying "I made that up." She gives us the existent version of events.... (full context)

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Offred says it wasn't like that either, that she tin only promise to make a reconstruction... (full context)

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Offred wishes her story made her seem better, "more active, less hesitant," and wishes it had... (full context)

Offred describes how she started to spend a lot of time with Nick, without Serena Joy's... (total context)

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On shopping trips, Ofglen encourages Offred to find out any she tin can and look through the Commander's papers. But Offred barely... (full context)

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...main library, where graduations used to take place. At present in that location's a stage with three nooses. Offred only attended a Women's Salvaging once before, two years ago. Two Handmaids and one Married woman... (full context)

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Aunt Lydia comes onto the stage and Offred hates her. She gives a voice communication about duty, and then announces that she will not... (full context)

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The Salvagers prepare to hang Ofcharles, and someone backside Offred, peradventure Janine, according to Ofglen, seems to vomit. As the women is hanged, the Handmaids... (full context)

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Offred notices how the three hanged women look similar dancers in the air. Aunt Lydia tells... (full context)

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...She says he raped 2 Handmaids, ane of whom was pregnant and whose baby died. Offred feels overwhelmed with anger. Aunt Lydia blows the whistle, simply the Handmaids await, watching his... (full context)

Offred yells at Ofglen for her actions, and Ofglen whispers to Offred that the man wasn't... (total context)

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Offred goes shopping. The Ofglen who accompanies her isn't the same 1 as before. Offred asks... (full context)

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The new Ofglen does not respond well and warns Offred off of saying such things. Offred becomes frightened and paranoid. But right when they part... (total context)

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Offred is relieved that the former Ofglen killed herself before torture, which means that Offred'south secrets... (full context)

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Serena Joy comes angrily out of the house, and Offred knows she'southward in problem for something, though she doesn't know what. Serena Joy shows her... (total context)

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Offred waits in her room, uncertain what her punishment will be. She imagines how she could... (total context)

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Offred stands, peradventure planning to practise something, and sees that a black van with the winged... (full context)

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...Joy and the Commander look surprised. They didn't call the Optics. Serena Joy asks what Offred did, and they don't say. The Commander asks for a warrant, and they say they... (full context)

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The ii Eyes assist Offred get into the van. She knows she can't exercise annihilation else, and so she enters... (total context)

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...means that they tried to discover more show relating to the story. He describes how Offred became a Handmaid because she'd had a relationship with a husband. He talks almost... (full context)

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...Waterford seems to be more likely to exist the Commander. The authorities killed him after Offred's deviation, for owning banned magazines and books and for hosting a insubordinate, probably Nick. Nick... (full context)

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Professor Pieixoto wonders what happened to Offred. Maybe she fabricated it to Canada and and then England, which was safest. Peradventure she was... (full context)

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Professor Pieixoto closes with some poetic musings on the past, calling Offred'due south narrative "in its own way eloquent," and talking near the difficulties of understanding messages from... (full context)

Offred sits by the window at night. She sees Nick in the garden, and he sees... (full context)

Offred remembers the night before her escape endeavor with Luke and their girl. They couldn't pack... (total context)

Offred remembers proverb bedtime prayers at the Rachel and Leah Center, when Aunt Lydia would adjust... (full context)

In the current time, Offred prays out the window. She acknowledges that God probably didn't desire all this, and hopes... (full context)


Source: https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-handmaid-s-tale/characters/offred

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